Friday, December 21, 2012

AutoHotkey Script for a Left Hand Menu

Recently, I've started posting AutoHotkey scripts.  AutoHotkey provides a pretty easy way to automate just about anything in Microsoft Windows without having to become a Windows programmer.  If you'd like to learn more, LifeHacker has a pretty nice introduction to AutoHotkey.

In my last couple of posts, I've been talking about tools and techniques to make it easier to keep your right hand on on your pen when you're drawing using a Wacom tablet, for example.  This script also works pretty well for keeping your right hand on a mouse.

Basically, when you run this script the Win+A key will bring up a window and while the window is open the ASDF keys can be mapped to execute ANY command.  Currently, I'm just popping up test messages, but as a next step I'll be adapting this basic framework to to cover my most common actions while working in Adobe Illustrator, for example.


; Left Hand Menu

Hotkey, a, Test, On
Hotkey, s, Test, On
Hotkey, d, Test, On
Hotkey, f, Test, On

Gui, Font, s10, Verdana  ; Set 10-point Verdana.
Gui, Add, Text, ym, (A) Test 
Gui, Add, Text, ym, (S) Test 
Gui, Add, Text, ym, (D) Test 
Gui, Add, Text, ym, (F) Test 
Gui, Show, w500 h100, Left Hand Menu

Hotkey, a, Off
Hotkey, s, Off
Hotkey, d, Off
Hotkey, f, Off
Gui Destroy

MsgBox You pressed %A_ThisHotkey%.

Ergonomics of Working with a Graphics Tablet

David Revoy has one of the best articles I've seen about the Ergonomics of Graphics Tablets.  He has experimented with a variety of tablets and desk layouts and, best of all, created these very clear diagrams (such as the one below) to illustrate his article.

As Revoy shows and explains, "Most of CG artists use shortcuts on the keyboard to speed up their work-flow."  In this setup, the right hand is for drawing and the left hand is for shortcut keys (critical for switching between drawing tools, copy & paste, etc.).  The right hand moves back and forth for typing.

I'm writing this post as background for some UI research that I've started doing to improve the usability of software for artists and other pen-heavy users.  The first example is the script I wrote in AutoHotkey to set the location of the Tablet PC Input Panel.

Up next, I'll be looking at the Quill gesture design tool for pen-based user interfaces.  I think some interesting things could be done with simple gestures (like Graffiti unistrokes) in a vector drawing tool that haven't really been explored yet.  I'd like to explore rough drawing text, shapes, etc. and having the computer recognize it and convert it to a desired format in place.  Done right, I think it could lead to a more natural drawing experience while still maintaining the precision of vector drawing tools.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tablet PC Input Panel and AutoHotkey

As someone who does a lot of drawing, I like to use pen input.  I've used Wacom tablets and, recently, a Samsung Slate Tablet PC.

Like a mouse, a pen input device usually takes up one hand with the other hand on the keyboard for triggering shortcut keys.  This works really well until you have to enter text.  As Allen Newell showed in The Psychology of Human Computer Interaction, moving your hand back and forth from the keyboard to mouse (or pen) can be really disruptive.

The interesting thing about a pen as an input device is that, unlike the mouse, it is very natural to enter text with a pen and Microsoft has very good handwriting recognition built into the Windows operating system starting with Windows XP.  There is a little panel, called the Tablet PC Input Panel (TIP) that can be configured to pop up, accept handwriting, and then output text as if you had typed it.

In general, I've found it to be very useful when I'm drawing some UI design and I want to input little bits of text (labels, buttons, menus, etc.) in the drawing.  One main drawback is that I could never get the TIP to show up exactly when and where I wanted it.

Luckily, with a little tinkering in AutoHotkey, I was able to get exactly what I want -- to have the TIP appear right below my cursor.  The TIP window is a bit odd and can't me moved with the normal AutoHotkey WinMove function so I wrote a script that uses the mouse to drag it into place.  I'm posting the script below to save the next guy the trouble.


; Triggered by Win+Z (windows key and Z)
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class IPTip_Main_Window
   Run, TabTip.exe
   WinShow, ahk_class IPTip_Main_Window

WinGetPos, tipX, tipY, , , ahk_class IPTip_Main_Window
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY
MouseClickDrag, Left, tipX+200, tipY+20, mouseX+100, mouseY-50
MouseMove, mouseX, mouseY


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

UX Design of a Self-Organizing Volleyball Tournament

One of my hobbies is volleyball.  I used to play about once a week or less, but lately I just can't get enough of it.  I play mostly through the Ann Arbor Rec & Ed and a group called the Ann Arbor Adventure Club.  I play enough with the Adventure Club that I was asked to help organize a doubles volleyball tournament.

Organizing one of these things is a bit trickier than you might expect, especially if you want everyone to have a good user experience!  Also, this group has some unique constraints that hindered a previous attempt to organize doubles volleyball.  In particular, people want the events to be low cost and casual (i.e., drop in when I can).  There are other leagues that cost more and require more of a commitment.

Anyway, by the time I was done organizing this thing, I realized that I had essentially done a small user experience design project -- complete with a visual interface (a printable form - see below).  It gets it's first test on Sunday, but I thought I'd capture what I had done while it's still fresh in my mind.  I'll come back and do another post to let you know how well it worked.

Goals (i.e., Requirements / Constraints)
  1. High-quality doubles play: If you can't bump, set & spike somewhat consistently, please take yourself off of the list -- the Thursday night games are oriented towards all levels.
  2. Resiliant to "no shows": The first four people to show up will just start playing. Then the next four. After that, we will rotate people in order. Because of this, there won't be fixed teams -- you'll be randomly (sort of) paired with teammates. Still, it would be nice if you would update your RSVP if you know you can't make it.
  3. Mostly playing, with some rest: With 2 courts, 8 will be playing at one time. You'll be playing at least 2/3 of the time if all 12 show up. To maximize playing time, there should be no breaks between games (or just very short ones). If you need a rest, let someone play your slot and then you can catch the next one.
Process Design
  1. When you arrive, sign in on the spreadsheet (see below).
  2. We will use Ann Arbor sand league rules (no set overs, cannot set receive serves, no tipping, carries, etc.). Call your own and your partner's fouls.
  3. Once 4 arrive, players 1-4 start playing on the court of your choice. Play 2 games to 21 (first to 21 wins, do not have to win by 2). Players 5-8 start playing on the other court. Players 9-12 wait.
  4. When your game is done, each player tallies their wins and losses on the spreadsheet. Each game counts. For example, if players 1 & 2 split the first match against players 3 & 4, they would each mark down 1 win and 1 loss.
  5. After the first match is over, players 9-12 would play against players 1-4. If we don't have 12, or if somebody from 1-4 needs a rest, just keep going in order. So if we have only 11 and player 4 needs a rest, it would be players 9, 10, 11 & 1 against players 2, 3, 5 & 6 (players 7 & 8 would wait).
  6. One important rule is that you must have a different teammate for each match.
  7. Keep rotating for a couple of hours. Always the players with the fewest number of games played get to go next. Ties go to the player who signed in first (e.g., player 4 goes before player 5 if they've both played the same number of games).
  8. At noon, we'll set up for the championship match. The player with the best record plays with the second best player against the 3rd and 4th best players. The second court will have the 5th & 6th ranked players against the 7th and 8th for in a consolation match.
Visual Artifact Design (printable sign in & tracking sheet)

The goal of the sheet below was to embed the process described above.  Some specific design details include:
  • You are automatically assigned a number by signing in.
  • The first 8 players have their teammates assigned automatically by the sheet.  This also serves to teach the players how to fill out the form.
  • The "Games Won" columns indicate what you should fill in (a value between 0 and 2) and embed some of the format information (2 games per match).
  • As each player fills in their teammate and games won information, it will become visually apparent who plays in the next game -- it will be the left-most, top-most empty cells.  I think this feature will significantly add to the user experience since I think the most likely point of confusion will be figuring out who plays next. (Remember that we're playing with flexible teammates and schedule).
  • The match columns headers are rotated 90 degrees to allow room for descriptive labels within the constraints of the page width.
  • A double grid and thin lines clearly indicates where to enter match data.  I might consider alternating light grey rows to make this even more clear in the next version.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Design Quotes

I've been doing a bunch of reading over the past six months as I've made the transition from SoarTech where I was a bit of a jack-of-all-trades (project manager, proposal writer, programmer, designer, etc.) to ProModel where I am back to being primarily a visual and UX designer.  As I've been reading, I've been collecting a list of good quotes about design.  Thought I'd take the opportunity to share the best ones.

No design works unless it embodies ideas that  are held common
by the people for whom the object is intended.
--Adrian Forty

Notation is a tool of thought. 
A problem properly represented is largely solved.
-- Philosophy 101

Essentially, all models are wrong,
but some are useful.
-- George Box

The minimal requirement in design is
the organization of all the parts into a unified whole.
-- Eugene Larkin

Simple designs present the minimum amount of information
to achieve maximum effect ... by reducing and regularizing.
-- Michael Terry

Two golden rules of information visualization:
1) show the data, 2) show comparisons.
-- Bret Victor

A proper visualization is a kind of narrative,
providing a clear answer to a question without extraneous details.
-- Ben Fry

Make frequent tasks easy and infrequent tasks possible.
-- Usability Maxim

God is in the details.
-- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Friday, June 22, 2012

Script to Extend the Artboard in Adobe Illustrator

It's pretty easy to change the size of the artboard (i.e., canvas) in Adobe Illustrator, but as I've said in some previous posts I've started to experiment with large format wireframes / navigation diagrams.  When you zoom way out (or print small) it looks like a navigation diagram, but you can zoom way in (or print poster size) to see the wireframe details.  I'll put up an example in a later post.

Anyway, I tend to start with the artboard at tabloid (17x11) or 2x tabloid (34x22) and then grow the artboard incrementally as I go.  I change the artboard regularly enough and in such a predictable way that I went ahead and made the script below:


if (documents.length == 0) {
    alert("Must have a document open!");

TABLOID_LANDSCAPE_W = new UnitValue (17, "in");
TABLOID_LANDSCAPE_H = new UnitValue (11, "in");

curWidth = activeDocument.artboards[0].artboardRect[2];
curHeight = activeDocument.artboards[0].artboardRect[3];

isWidth = confirm("Extend width?");

if(isWidth) {
    newWidth = curWidth +"px");
    activeDocument.artboards[0].artboardRect = [0,0,newWidth,curHeight];
} else {
    newHeight = curHeight"px");
    activeDocument.artboards[0].artboardRect = [0,0,curWidth,newHeight];


It's pretty simple, but I thought I might as well share the idea and the script for whomever might find it useful.  Here's how it works:
  1. First check to make sure a document is open.
  2. Define the width and height that I'm going to use to extend the artboard.
  3. Get the current width and height of the artboard.
  4. I use a confirm dialog to ask if you want to extend the width, otherwise the script will extend the height.
  5. Finally, calculate the new width or height and extend the artboard.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prezi in Adobe Illustrator. Part 1: Setting a Timer in Adobe Javascript

I've always really like poster-sized images in Illustrator for displaying site navigation diagrams.  You can zoom out to get a "big picture" view and then zoom in on the details.  Meng He shows a nice example of this in here Shindig Wireframe on Dribbble.  To get the full effect, click on the PDF version and then use your pan and zoom tools to explore.

This kind of document navigation reminds me alot of Prezi, the non-linear presentation software that Brian Stensrud turned me onto.  I've never used Prezi itself, but I've given presentations in that style (without the rotation).  There are two free javascript libraries that I know of that do similar things, dizzy.js and impress.js.

The basic idea behind all of these tools is very simple.  You define a sequence of frames on top of a large vector image and then use a script to navigate between them.  I've written a rough Adobe Illustrator script that does this already.  I'll upload the complete script in a later post.

One problem that I was having was animation.  In my current script, the pan and zoom just jump around.  This is fine, but you lose the context of the larger space, so I was looking for a way to do a simple linear animation between two zoom and pan states in Illustrator.  In a browser, you can call setTimeout() to get a callback after a period of time, but that method doesn't exist in the Adobe Illustrator version of Javascript.
Luckily, I was found a great post on stackoverflow that provided the answer.  Here's the code:

  $.setTimeout = function(func, time) {

  $.setTimeout(function () {alert("hello world")}, 3000);

UPDATE: After trying to get animation running in Illustrator in several different ways, I'm giving up on it. The Illustrator UI never updates until my script is finished. The "sleep" function below doesn't seem to work the way I thought it might.  My next attempt will be to dump the SVG from Illustrator into an HTML 5 file and use dizzy.js or impress.js (see links above) to do the animation.

Sketchy Wireframes in Illustrator

I won't go into all of the reasons why it might be good to present hand-drawn concepts to customers and users early in the design process.  It's a well-established idea and seems to work well for a number of people (for example, see articles by Dirk Weber and James Landay).

Personally, I also think it really looks cool (take a look at some great examples over on Dribbble) and, as Don Norman taught us, Attractive Things Work Better.

So all of this leads to a recent problem and solution that I'd like to share in this article.  The problem is that I can't hand draw attractive concepts.  I've never had the training and despite several attempts, I never seem to be able to put enough time into it -- work, family and life keep interfering.

A solution came about as I was googling Illustrator wireframe toolkit and found Sqetch.  As you can see below, it can be used to create attractive, sketchy wireframes.

Sqetch has a couple of problems from my perspective.  The first is that it loads very slowly.  See all of those textured backgrounds?  My laptop takes its time rendering them.  That makes it not fun for rapid prototyping.  The second problem is that it almost looks too good for initial prototypes.

However, there are some things that I learned from the toolkit.
  1. You can make any path look like pencil in illustrator by using the right sketchy brush.
  2. If you do that and turn your rectangles into four slightly overlapping lines, it you get that "hand drafted" style.
  3. Use a hand drawn font.  Sqetch uses a font called Nymph's Handwriting, but Microsoft has some built in that work just fine.  I'm using MV Boli right now. Segoe Print is also good.  Also, the Google Webfonts project has a nice one called Delius.
  4. With care, you can use gradients, transparency and brushes if you want some of the textures that you see above.
  5. You can save UI elements (buttons, text fields, etc.) in Adobe Illustrator as Symbols for rapid reuse.
I applied the elements above to a simple graph that I created in illustrator.  You can see the results below:

UPDATE: Found a nice tutorial that shows how to make any font look sketchy.  The tutorial is for fonts, but you could use this anywhere you want a rough "crosshatch" fill.  The secret is to use the "scribble" effect on the fill and the "roughen" effect on the stroke from the Appearance panel.  Here are the specific settings they use on those effects:
  • Scribble: Angle to 45, the Path Overlap to 0 px, the Path Overlap Variation to 2 px, the Stroke Width to 1 px, the Curviness to 0, the Curviness Variation to 50, the Spacing to 2 px, and the Spacing Variation to 1.5 px
  • Roughen: Size to .5, select the Relative radial button, change the Detail to 30, and select the Smooth radial button for Point
Here what it looks like when you are done:

Monday, June 11, 2012

2012 Status Update or Prelude to Adobe Illustrator Scripting Posts

I've been learning a few things recently about Adobe Illustrator (specifically its scripting capabilities) that don't seem to be widely available on the internet.  That made me think that I should probably go ahead and write some blog posts.  Hopefully, they can save the next guy a bit of time, or at least I'll be able to find the information the next time I need it.

Looks like it's been almost 2 years since I've posted.  Hard to believe it's been that long.  Here's a little background information about me -- things have changed a bit and this may help folks know where these posts are coming from.

I left Soar Technology last November and started working for  a company called ProModel.  The companies are similar in many ways -- small businesses, offices in Ann Arbor and other places, focus on software, computer science and AI.  The main difference is that SoarTech is primarily a research company while ProModel is primarly a product company (with some overlap for each).  For me this means less project managment and proposal writing (which I did enjoy and do miss a bit) and more interaction with end users and more pure user experience design.  My new title is User Experience Designer, although they also refer to me as a Business Analyst.  I've always thought that there is a lot of overlap between these two jobs -- especially for end-user systems.

Anyway, as I said above, my next series of posts will be about scripting Adobe Illustrator.  If you've read my previous posts, such as JHotDraw and Semantic Wikis, you might understand that I'm really interested in pushing the boundaries of interacting with visual data.  I really enjoy working with Adobe Illustrator, but I have some ideas about how I can take it to the next level in terms of producing interactive, sematically-rich visualizations.  Stay tuned...