Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Design Quotes

I've been doing a bunch of reading over the past six months as I've made the transition from SoarTech where I was a bit of a jack-of-all-trades (project manager, proposal writer, programmer, designer, etc.) to ProModel where I am back to being primarily a visual and UX designer.  As I've been reading, I've been collecting a list of good quotes about design.  Thought I'd take the opportunity to share the best ones.

No design works unless it embodies ideas that  are held common
by the people for whom the object is intended.
--Adrian Forty

Notation is a tool of thought. 
A problem properly represented is largely solved.
-- Philosophy 101

Essentially, all models are wrong,
but some are useful.
-- George Box

The minimal requirement in design is
the organization of all the parts into a unified whole.
-- Eugene Larkin

Simple designs present the minimum amount of information
to achieve maximum effect ... by reducing and regularizing.
-- Michael Terry

Two golden rules of information visualization:
1) show the data, 2) show comparisons.
-- Bret Victor

A proper visualization is a kind of narrative,
providing a clear answer to a question without extraneous details.
-- Ben Fry

Make frequent tasks easy and infrequent tasks possible.
-- Usability Maxim

God is in the details.
-- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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