Monday, June 11, 2012

2012 Status Update or Prelude to Adobe Illustrator Scripting Posts

I've been learning a few things recently about Adobe Illustrator (specifically its scripting capabilities) that don't seem to be widely available on the internet.  That made me think that I should probably go ahead and write some blog posts.  Hopefully, they can save the next guy a bit of time, or at least I'll be able to find the information the next time I need it.

Looks like it's been almost 2 years since I've posted.  Hard to believe it's been that long.  Here's a little background information about me -- things have changed a bit and this may help folks know where these posts are coming from.

I left Soar Technology last November and started working for  a company called ProModel.  The companies are similar in many ways -- small businesses, offices in Ann Arbor and other places, focus on software, computer science and AI.  The main difference is that SoarTech is primarily a research company while ProModel is primarly a product company (with some overlap for each).  For me this means less project managment and proposal writing (which I did enjoy and do miss a bit) and more interaction with end users and more pure user experience design.  My new title is User Experience Designer, although they also refer to me as a Business Analyst.  I've always thought that there is a lot of overlap between these two jobs -- especially for end-user systems.

Anyway, as I said above, my next series of posts will be about scripting Adobe Illustrator.  If you've read my previous posts, such as JHotDraw and Semantic Wikis, you might understand that I'm really interested in pushing the boundaries of interacting with visual data.  I really enjoy working with Adobe Illustrator, but I have some ideas about how I can take it to the next level in terms of producing interactive, sematically-rich visualizations.  Stay tuned...

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