Thursday, November 13, 2008

Soccer Narrative 1

This post is a narrative interview with a friend of mine about soccer. It's a continuation of an earlier post about narrative inquiry. I've included my directions (D) and imagined responses (R). This interview was conducted fact-to-face and I typed the responses in real-time so there may be some information lost. For future inquiries, I may use instant messenger software or a digital audio recorder to better capture the exact transcript.

D: Think of a time when you were playing soccer.
R: Okay.
D: Tell me about it.
R: First thing that came to mind. It was when I was playing on my HS soccer team as a senior. It was the only game I lost that season. My buddy crossed the ball to me in front of the goal and I headed the ball and didn't score. I never scored in high school. That was my first chance.
D: Were you trying to score a goal?
R: Yes.
D: What was happening before you missed the goal?
R: CJ dribbled the ball up to the corner. I ran up alone. It was just me, a defender and the goalie in front of the goal.
D: Tell me about "crossing the ball".
R: My buddy was in the corner with the ball. He kicked the ball up into the air all the way in front of the net and I had a chance to head it into the net.
D: Why did you miss the goal?
R: I tried too hard to aim for the corner of the net and missed the net by about a foot. I was so close I could have hit it anywhere, but I tried to aim and missed.
D: Think of another time when you were trying to score a goal. What was different/similar about the two situations?
R: Another time I was trying to score a goal in the rec leagues. Most of the time I would dribble the ball up myself, fake out the goalie and score.
D: Why were you able to score?
R: I became much better at soccer.

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