Monday, November 3, 2008

Semantic Wikis

As discussed in my previous post on Controlled Vocabularies, I'd really like to find a semantic wiki that can provide a nice repository for domain knowledge and can serve as an intermediary between subject matter experts (SMEs) and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The key issue will be whether I can find a semantic wiki that is usable enough for SMEs yet expressive enough that they can provide value to the AI software.

After sifting through a much longer list, I narrowed it down to the following list of candidates that I'll be considering in more depth:
As I evaluate these tools, I'll be using soccer as my test case concept with a goal of creating a semantic wiki about soccer (I've recently started coaching my sons' team).

From the screencast, it seems very usable. Allows the user to type first and then go back and tag content. Has a nice WYSIWYG editor such that the user doesn't have to remember the arcane Wiki codes for the most common tasks. No hosted options are available so I'm going to have to download and install this to try it out in more depth.

The screencast looks pretty good. Seems very flexible. The user interface is a bit confusing to me. For example, they have "Register New User" in the search box instead of the login box. I couldn't really figure out the demo. Again there are no hosted versions, so I'll have to install this locally to really try it out.

Semantic MediaWiki
This is a product which adds semantic ontology extensions to the MediaWiki software. The website itself is also run with the Semantic MediaWiki software. Supposedly, Referata also uses the Semantic MediaWiki, but the two sites look very different. Perhaps it's just stylesheets or maybe Referata is running an older version?

I'm finding the user manual to be very useful.

Referata is a website that hosts the Sematic MediaWiki software. I tried their scratchpad wiki demo but I couldn't figure out how to construct a taxonomy. They support custom properties, but I couldn't see how to create relationships like "IsA" or synonyms. Update: The page on importing Ontologies showed me how to map ontology terms to MediaWiki terms.

I signed up for an account and will try to create my soccer wiki.

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